Guest post by Antonious Maximus
Sitting at lunch with my mother for the first time in a long time. It’s been a fantastically relaxed day with a movie and lunch, and without any agenda to accomplish. I had that funny thought knowing it wasn’t time to go home yet. So I asked that simply dangerous question, “want to the craft store? I have one item I’d like to see if they have.”
On cue, she says, “sure, as long as think you’re up for it” with a golden smile .
I giggle knowing the adrenaline of going to one of my favorite places will neutralize any fatigue issues I usually struggle with long enough to get a peak at things. It’s worth the recovery time.
“I’m good. Let’s go.”
Venturing into the ridiculous heat in our air conditioned bubble we travel a little farther east to arrive at my Mecca. Looking through the windshield I see the flags are flying and I’m going to have to suffer for my art. I had forgotten they were having the annual sidewalk sale.
“Man, I’m sorry. This is gonna suck” (wink, wink).
She laughs at me and says, “but you know we have to…” with a deadpan smile “keep it short” then a huge grin. This happens every summer at the height of our heat season (it’s 95 degrees out with no cover).
Into the trenches we go, mesmerized by pinwheels at the front. Moving on to shiny bling (10 for $10 – the struggle to split it fairly is grueling as usual). Past special buys where I find amazing deals on big vases, wood canvases, and home decor. Deep to the stamps and dies. This is where I am fixated, so many choices. As she points out what she likes, I have to admit I have them all. I do however find a die set. Once we walk it all, a half hour of heat, we head inside to a bit of relief.
Now I was here for one item, but as soon as I pass through the doorway lined with specials, and that familiar fragrance hits my nostrils, I totally forget my agenda and I begin at the front exploring aisle after aisle because I am home. Full of endorphins in the heart of my happy place, I swim through the paper, ephemera, tools, glitter, adhesives, stamps, dies, ink, and embossing supplies. Hands too full to really grab anything else, I realize I need a basket. As I’m standing next to the customer service desk at the center of the store (this tends to be my don’t fly further zone separating me from the paint and stuff I really know very little about), I contemplate crossing the line to peruse markers and a clerk asks, “did you find everything?”
In a fit of stifled laughter I respond, “I really only came in to see if you had Glitterific but, I doubt you have it.” As she tells me that she is unfamiliar with it, she turns around. In a miraculous act that almost never happens, a stream of light falls from the the heavens with the sound of an angels’ choir (oh that was just the notifications on my phone set to a Halo theme), there it is! In all its shining glory. The entire line brilliantly dancing as if to say, “come and play.” It really is my day!
Needless to say I refuse to discuss the total damage done to my wallet but hey, some of it was on sale and clearance. Who says unplanned things can’t lead to happy endings?
These items will be assimilated into the stash where they will remain until it’s time to make messy magic again, ever prepared for the coming of the crafty apocalypse. In order to be properly prepared, I must maintain a collection of goods that I may not use for some time. I have quite a few things that haven’t seen the light of day for a long time but, that is a discussion for another time. Happy crafting, and here’s to finding that one thing that becomes one of your favorite things. May your day be glitterific as well 💖
LOVE your article; I felt like I was there with you. What fun to spend a day like that with your Mom. So glad you found the ONE thing you were looking for! 😂
Thank you 🌸 It always fun with her and I’m glad I was able to transport you there 😊 I hope you can find the things your looking for .