Hello Everyone! Sara Scraps with you today to share a brand- new card project ! I created this fun fish bowl card with an interactive light-up element
I just love how my card came together and I hope you do too!

I knew as soon as I saw the Halo Lights, that I wanted to pair it with a fish bowl die I’ve had in my stash. I was so excited to get to work on my card! And it turned out so cute!
You can check out my process video to see all the details and how I created my card.
Supply List –
Halo Light Combo Pack- https://pearblossompress.com/?wpam_id=165
World’s Best Foam Tape- https://pearblossompress.com/product/worlds-best-foam-tape-double-thick/?wpam_id=165
Thank you so much for stopping by today and I hope you will check out my card project, and maybe create one for a friend soon!
Have A Lovely Day!
Sara Scraps

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