Thank you for joining us on International Scrapbook Day. We’re so excited to celebrate with you! Today, we’re hosting a LIVE Hop and Zoom Party.
To start, we’ll be hopping along with some of our favorite designers for short LIVE tutorials (30 min each) on YouTube and/or Facebook. Then, we’ll have a Zoom party at the end, so we can all hang out together and share what we’ve been working on during the day! (Don’t worry if you’re camera shy, you get to decide to turn your camera on or not. We will not be recording the Zoom.)
Links to all of the stops are posted below. If you get lost along the way, get back on track by clicking on the blue buttons below. Join in the hop at any point and we hope to see you in the Zoom party later! Now let’s get crafty…
- 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://youtu.be/t2OVLD4aGso” target=”_blank” title=”Pear Blossom Press YouTube Channel”]Watch MaryAnn & Amanda on YouTube[/button] [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/379025729547663/permalink/1140349613415267/” target=”_blank” title=”The Rabbit Hole Designs Fan Page”]Watch MaryAnn & Amanda on Facebook[/button]
- 10:30 am Pacific / 1:30 pm Eastern [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://youtu.be/YqgIP7vA7AY” target=”_blank” title=”Del and Artie YouTube Channel”]Watch Daniel West on YouTube[/button] [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://www.facebook.com/delandartie” target=”_blank” title=”Del and Artie Facebook”]Watch Daniel West on Facebook[/button]
- 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://youtu.be/ED5AscIFteY” target=”_blank” title=”i-crafter YouTube Channel”]Watch Lynda Kanase on YouTube[/button] [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/icrafterfanclub/permalink/721457178998338/” target=”_blank” title=”i-crafter art facebook”]Watch Lynda Kanase on Facebook[/button]
- 11:30 am Pacific / 2:30 pm Eastern [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://youtu.be/94WK_lq0Zyk” target=”_blank” title=”Understand Blue Facebook”]Watch Lydia Fiedler on YouTube[/button] [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://www.facebook.com/UnderstandBlue/posts/10160154272824414″ target=”_blank” title=”Understand Blue Facebook”]Watch Lydia Fiedler on Facebook[/button]
- 12:00 pm Pacific / 3:00 pm Eastern [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://youtu.be/Sm1LSiNk7ds” target=”_blank” title=”Sweet Sentiment YouTube Channel”]Watch Tyler Bright on YouTube[/button]
- 12:30 pm Pacific / 3:30 pm Eastern [button color=”info” size=”md” shape=”rounded” link=”https://youtu.be/DXQjAMj8Uw8″ target=”_blank” title=”Heffy Doodle YouTube Channel”]Watch Morgan McIntosh on YouTube[/button]
- 1:00 pm Pacific / 4:00 pm Eastern  Sorry we missed you in the Zoom Party. Here’s a snapshot of some of our crafty friends who joined us…
Use this handy Time Zone Converter if you need help figuring out what time we’ll be on in your area.
Please note, due to the nature of scheduling livestream videos, some of the links above might take you to a home page or a reminder page before the stream actually starts. You should be able to click “set reminder” and get a notification when the stream starts. If the stream is supposed to be live when you click it and you don’t see it, please refresh your screen, or go to the channel’s main page and check there. (Sometimes, technology doesn’t work the way we plan it to. If someone has to restart, it will generate a new link, not listed above.) We don’t anticipate any, but we appreciate your patience with us if we run into technical difficulties.
We’re looking forward to crafting with you!
Sounds awesome
This was an awesome event. I enjoyed all the lives and the Zoom party.
Lesley omans video has been removed?
Darn I can’t believe I missed them!!!
I had a busy day yesterday and was not at home, but I am hoping to catch some of the re-plays! It sounds like it was a fun day!
I really enjoyed this event. Lots of wonderful inspiration and ideas 🙂